Thursday, April 22, 2010

First Grade Book Recommendations

Note: I did not change the spelling because it's what makes first grade writing so charming; however, I did add punctuation to help make sense of some of it.  See if you can spot what they all have in common.

Harry Potter
So ther is this boy that is very very very very very very unuooshawll because he is a wizerd and he gose to a magick school colld hogwarts and there is a evil wizerd named lord voldamort.  He trizes to kill Harry sevrill times and there is't just one book there are seven books and that is how much I'm (I am) going to tell you.

So in case you were confused about which two words made up the contraction "I'm"; perhaps it's time to work on "isn't".

For You
So their was a giraffe that doesn't have a girlfriend then he looks everywhere then he finds one.  Why I think that you should read it is because it is a friendly book.

So who doesn't love a "friendly" book?

Diary of a Wimpy Kid
So it's a kid in a elementry school and he has only one frind and evry one els is nerdy and weard and at the school there is a chees toch and the mane karekder has a littel brother and a big brother.  I recommend this book because it's funny.

So if I had any idea of what a "chees toch" was, I would certainly tell you.

Ten Blak Dots
So first ther's one blak dot and then thers to blak dots and then it goes up to ten blak dots and they all make pictchers.  I wood like to recommend it cus it's cool.

So this is one of the least exciting books I might think of to recommend, but hey - to each his own.

Are You My Mother
So that is a brid and he chris (tries, of course) to find his mother and he can't find his mother.  Then when he goes back to his nest he finds his mother .  You sud recommend this book because it is fune.

So sorry.  I asked them not to give away the endings.

Wolter The Farting Dog.
So ther was this dog and he farts alot and a boy bot him at a stor and at the edd thes rober brakes in the house and dog dus a humungis fart ant it was so bit it shot him acrot the room.  I recemmed this book because it is funy. 

So what kind of teacher actually reads this kind of book to first graders?  I ask you!

So were you able to spot what all of these recommendations have in common?


  1. So, I'm not sure, but maybe I got it. So, what is it?

  2. It's the cheese touch. Raylee told me that there was this piece of cheese on the basketball court all year. If any kid touched it, no one could touch them or they would have the "cheese touch" too.

  3. Ah, thank you for clearing that up! Generally I'm pretty good at interpreting, but since I haven't read the book it was a mystery. Perhaps I better act on that particular book recommendation...
